Monday, September 30, 2019

Nietzsche and Christianity

When the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche referred to himself and the Anti-Christ, he was doing more than simply using a metaphor. A slight look at his work reveals that practically his entire philosophical system was oriented against Christianity. Most of his books, but primarily The Twilight of the Idols, The Anti-Christ, The Genealogy of Morals, contain the fiercest attack that any philosopher has ever conducted against Christianity. Nietzsche attacks both Christianity as a religious system, as well as the Christian idea of God. The Christian conception of God –God as God of the Sick, God as spider, God as spirit – is one of the most corrupt conceptions of God arrived at on earth: perhaps it even represents the low-water mark in the descending development of God type. (Nietzsche, 2003, p. 140). And so he goes†¦ That quote is only a minor example of the insults Nietzsche proffers against Christian values. He does not seem to repair in the fact that Christianity has disciplined the human spirit for thousands of years; that civilization, as we know it today, owes a lot to the Judeo-Christian values and believes. But, this is precisely the problem. Nietzsche does not believe that the current status of humanity, the values that sustain it, are commendable values. Since he states over and over that man is something that must be turned into something else, this is, the overman, he also believes that, as a consequence, Christianity has done anything productive for humanity, especially when it comes to encouraging man to exercise his will to power. Nietzsche expresses his preference for Buddhism, which he calls â€Å"the only really positivistic religion history has to show us† (2003 p. 141). However, he fails to explain in what manner would Buddhism attain what Christianity has. There is no doubt that the influence of Christianity could be evidently perceived in every realm of mother society. Political and social institutions, democracy, and in general, the concept of egalitarism, in one way or the other, are a consequence of Christian values. It is one thing to be critical of the defective concepts or practice of a given system, be it political or religious, but it is a very different thing to try to crush that entire system with a rhetorical hammer, as Nietzsche attempts to do. In his desperate discourse against Christianity, his criticism at times becomes irrational. Nietzsche’s preference for Buddhism could be explained by his personality. He highly valued individualism, which is very emphasized by the practice of Buddhism. Nietzsche considered that both Christianity and Islam are religions of the sheep and that by their very nature deny individualism or prevent the individual from reaching his inner potential. Nietzsche’s logic states that these religions turn man into a little more than an ape, who mostly imitates but is unable to act in obedience to his own will. Let’s remind ourselves that insulting, using degrading epithets against the adversary, does not prove anything, except the fact that the one who proffers the insults does so precisely due to a lack of valid arguments. And this is exactly what Nietzsche does when the few valid points he has made against Christianity have exhausted. Let’s pay attention to this. Christianity also stands in opposition to all intellectual well-costitutedness – it   can use only the morbid mind as the Christian mind, it takes the side of everything idiotic, it proclaims a curse against the spirit, against the superbia of the healthy spirit. Because sickness belongs to the essence of Christianity, the typical Christian condition, faith, has to be a form of sickness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (2003, p.181) The use of words such as morbid, idiotic, sickness, all this insulting rhetoric, in reference to Christianity, is in the place where arguments were supposed to be.   This name-calling rhetoric must not be taken as the truth. It would be helpful to remember that while Christianity provides man with a sense of certainty, with a general explanation of the origin and current state of things, Nietzsche’s ideas, especially his ideas of the overman with energy and freedom to do as he pleases, provide no satisfying explanation, but on the contrary, a lot of questions. What Nietzsche proposes could only lead to anarchy. Even for a person who does not believe in the divine origin of Christianity, it is obvious that its values have a positive impact in society. Nietzsche directs a substantial degree of his criticism to the main Christian believes. Concepts such as Guilt, Punishment, Bad Conscience, to which he dedicates an entire section of On the Genealogy of Morals (2006), are treated as if they were not only errors, but a conspiracy against what Nietzsche calls the natural human spirit, which according to him has been contaminated by Christianity. However, it is more than evident that it has been precisely the existence of that type of concepts and ideas what has disciplined man. It would not be exaggerated to state that ninety percent of the degree of civility with which humanity conducts itself is owed to Christianity. The German philosopher himself recognizes that if humanity were to distance itself from the idea of God, in general, and from the believe in Christian values in particular, it would lead to nihilism; this is a state of emptiness that will lead many to self-destruction. In this regard, we arrive now to a very troubling question. Let’s assume that, as Nietzsche conjectures, the entire system of believe upon which Christianity founds itself is a total lie; that there is no God at the end of its road, and that every element that composes it is no more than a man-made fiction. Given the fact that those values have been a great positive contribution to humanity, fro what reason are we supposed to abandon all that and embrace Nietzsche message of the death of God and Christianity? Doesn’t Nietzsche himself recognize that his ideas conduct to nihilism and Christianity to a state of certainty? Let’s go as far as assuming that Nietzsche’s conceptions in reference to the inexistence of God are true. Is it really better to hold on to this truth that leads to the self-destruction than to a fiction that leads to self-preservation? This is a very difficult question. We have no idea of where would these super-human values that Nietzsche proposes take us. This is the poetic form of Nietzsche’s explanation: So I sank once Out of my madness of truth, Out of my longing of days, Weary of day, sick from light, -Sank downwards, eveningwards, shadowwards: With on truth Scorched and thirsty: -Do you still remember, do you remember, hot heart, How you then thirsted?- That I am banished From all truth, Only fool, Only poet! Nietzsche’s obsession with truth, as the poem reveals, not only deviates him from truth, but also prevents him from having in mind that the truth is not necessarily a good thing at all times. This, of course, does not sound good. However, in addition to appreciating truth for what it is in itself, as reasoning beings that we are, it is extremely important that we take into consideration tat the practicality of the truth is equally important to truth.   Christian concepts such as prayer, grace, blessing, and many other concepts that according to the German philosopher do not have a clear connection with reality, provide men with a sense of inner spiritual unity, with peace of mind and heart that Nietzsche obviously sees as undesirable, but that, objectively speaking, seem to be extremely beneficial. But in addition to the passion with which Nietzsche criticizes Christianity, he also spends sometime discussing the founder of Christianity himself: Christ. In reference to Christ, however, it most be pointed out that Nietzsche enters into an obvious contradiction. On the one hand, he uses degrading epithets against Jesus Christ, such as idiot, but on the other hand, he claims that Jesus’ way of life has been distorted by his followers, and accuses the Apostle Paul of founding a religion that is contrary to that taught by Jesus. Nietzsche concludes that Jesus contribution was to teach others how is it that each individual must conduct himself as Jesus did during the incidents that led to his death in sacrifice. Jesus’ inaction, the fact that he did not defend himself during the events that surrounded his execution, is an example of how people should live their lives. At times, it seems as if Nietzsche refers to Jesus with certain tenderness. The case could be made, therefore, that Nietzsche tries to save the historical image of Christ while, at the same time, he declares war against all that has been presented and the legacy of Christ, which Nietzsche sustains is no more that an invention of his disciples. – The word Christianity is already a misunderstanding – in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. The Evangel Died in the Cross. What was called Evangel from this moment onwards was already the opposite of what he had lived: bad tidings’, a dysangel†¦ The Christian, that which has been called Christian for two millennia is merely a psychological self-misunderstanding. (2003, p. 163) However, let’s have one thing crystal clear here. Nietzsche’s criticism against actual Christians is obviously unfair if one takes into consideration that the masses of followers of the Messiah honestly try to imitate him, but are indeed surrounded by a social and political scenario that is totally different to the one in which Christ emerged. Not putting resistance to the physical attacks perpetrated against him had a particular purpose, that is, his execution by his enemies. On the other hand, his followers do not pretend, nor are they mandated by the Christian teachings to seek an opportunity to give their lives. In other words, the word, misunderstanding, which Nietzsche insistently uses, could be applied to Nietzsche himself. He is the one who is misunderstanding what Christ was and what Christianity is supposed to be. In his virtually fanatic criticism against Christianity Nietzsche launches a quasi-violent attack against priests. Nietzsche does not seem to recognize that priests have made any positive contribution to humanity. He adopts here a radical perspective and, according to his statements, priests are one virtually the worst type of ruling class that has ever existed. Nietzsche accuses priests of conspiring against what he calls the natural human spirit. In addition, Nietzsche accuses priests of denying men from exercising their free will when it comes to eating from ‘the Tree of Knowledge’. The beginning of the Bible contains the entire psychology of the priest. – The priest knows only one great danger: that is science – the sound conception of cause and effect. But science flourishes in general only under happy circumstances – one must have a superfluity of time and intellect in order to ‘know’†¦ Consequently man must be made unhappy – this has at all times been the logic of the priest. (2003, p. 177) In general, Nietzsche uses a very insulting language when criticizing Christianity. Instead of providing well founded logical thoughts, he decides to adopt a theatrical rhetoric that proves nothing, except the fact that Nietzsche hated Christianity. But, again, let’s bear in mind that hate an insults are not good arguments. It will be enough to take a look into the following quote, in order to verify up to what point is Nietzsche mad against Christianity. Christianity also stands in opposition to all intellectual well-constitutedness – it can use only the morbid mind as the Christian mind, it takes the side of everything idiotic, it proclaims a curse against the ‘spirit’, against the superbia of the healthy spirit. Because sickness belongs to the essence of Christianity, the typical Christian condition, ‘faith’, has to be a form of sickness. (2003, p.181) This insulting rhetoric, the use of words such as morbid, idiotic, sickness, etc., reveals nothing about Christianity, but does reveal a lot about their author. What do they reveal? It is quite evident: that the mind that produced such insults is precisely a morbid, idiotic, and sick mind. Works Cited Nietzsche, Friedrich, On the Genealogy of Morals, New York, Barnes & Noble, 2006 —. Thus Spoke Zarathustra, New York, Barnes & Noble Classics, 20005 —. Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ, London, Penguin books, 2003                                    

Sunday, September 29, 2019

School Administrator/Self Evaluation

Opening up possibilities for betterment revolves around an individual’s capacity to explore options available for education and learning. Here, it tries to foster better means to consolidate effective acquisition of information alongside the application of skill sets in specific scenarios. With the ability to bridge connections between theory and practice, I have learned to actively consolidate effective means to address changing trends within the educational sector and infuse responsible and accountable means of engagement and practice. Reflecting on my participation within the program, numerous ideas have been introduced and consolidated to supplement my role as a school administrator. Realizing the increasing needs of today’s schools with regards to planning, budget implementation, adherence to educational standards and so much more, immersing myself in this course instilled better means of handling these issues altogether and fully function as a competent leader. One that is ready to take part in the interplay of administrative and management dynamics related to my future endeavor as a school administrator. Similarly, it is also through this program that I had gained useful insights regarding my abilities both positive and negative. By looking into connections that have equally shaped my growth, I was able to imbibe specific principles related to administration and management. At the same time, I have also recognized my weaknesses as a professional. Due to this, I was able to harness an effective direction towards synchronizing and establishing my role within the educational sector. Through such capacity, I gained inputs that with constantly seeking engagement and improving my capabilities through experience, I can handle different challenges shaping 21st century education. Indeed, I am proud to have been part of this initiative. Though at times there were instances of hurdles and challenges on my part, I was able to utilize these situations and use them as instruments towards my personal development. All the activities and the principles taught throughout the course remain vital towards sustaining the capacity to become responsible educational leaders in the future. In essence, the capacity to acquire these management and administrative skills cultivates opportunities not only for my professional development or the needs of the educational community but also to maintain what the process of educational administration seeks to promote.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 5 - Essay Example The law which would be discussed is that of Equal Employment opportunity. It has been pointed out that under the traditional principles of international law the activities of an overseas subsidiary which had been incorporated according to the laws of another were not subject to US legal regulation; the main reason for this being the fact that the nationality of a business entity was dependent on the country in which it had been incorporated.2 This has been boycotted by the Congress. In context of employment there have been introduced various civil law rights which include Title VII, the Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA) and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Extraterritorial effect has been given to these rights. It has been said that this had been provided so as to extend the reach of US employment laws which was as a result of the Supreme Court decision in Boureslan case in which Title VII to protect US citizens who were working abroad was refused, due to the international jurisdiction principle.3 The problems that tend to arise with regards to foreign company constantly insisting to hire its own nationals in US, and the main reason for this being the general knowledge which is possessed by them with regards to matters of the company. Thus there have been many claims of discrimination on the basis of national origin.4 The courts has acknowledge the FCN treaty which allows for hiring of nationals in the subsidiary of the parent company, only on certain designations5. However it has been stated by the Supreme Court that a subsidiary of a Japanese company does not come under the FCN treaty since it has been established in the US.6 By the analysis it has been clearly verified that US discrimination laws apply to foreign employers operating inside the US.7 Further it has been stated that even though the FCN treaty right allows for the hiring of nationals of parent company, there is no justification in FCN for dismissal of a US citizen because of age, which would be a discrimination.8 The courts have illustrated that right to prefer a citizen does not allow the employers to discriminate on other grounds.9 Further the right of FCN given to corporation to favor its own citizens does not make allow sexual harassment.10 However it can be clearly seen that the citizenship and national origin are in conflict, thus the right to discriminate based on FCN treaty is in conflict with discrimination on national origin which is prohibited under Title VII.11 The risks that a company takes when establishing business globally include among other things the different customs and laws, the cost of labor, taxes and other variant factors depending from country to country. The laws as have been pointed are mainly focused upon discrimination, equal pay and labor laws. The most important factor that should be taken into account by the company is to carefully research the legal position of their establishment in the country and to act accordingly. Further a company should take into minimum wages and the taxation process within the country. The possibilities of negotiation with the State are possible if it is a large corporation. The possible treaties that have been signed between the countries can be looked

Friday, September 27, 2019

Theory And Political Ideology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theory And Political Ideology - Assignment Example Theory, therefore, is our attempt to put order into our world. We try to analyze the myriad of things and events and organize them into different boxes called theories. But then again, we may have cleaned up the mess but we end up with a maze of piles of boxes. Despite proper labeling, it still is difficult to find what you need without first going through all of them. So, we organized them further into different categories which we also apply to other aspects of our lives. These are now what we wall ideologies. Ideology is not a study of ideas like biology is the study of life. Rather, ideology refers to the body of ideas itself. We may not be consciously aware of it but even the most politically neutral person is guided by a specific political ideology, in this case, that of political neutrality. This political neutrality could be based on the theory that it is much safer to not take sides at all. In other words, our ideologies are composed of and the result of the different theori es that we believe in. Our theories on politics, conspiracy or otherwise, determine the ideology that we adhere to. To possess an ideology is one thing but to pro-actively promote this ideology unto others earns the proponent the name Ideologue. These are the type of people do not just believe that their ideology is better than the others; they believe that it is the only true and good one. They are like zealous religious preachers who believe that theirs is the only true path to righteousness and the rest who do not go with them will perish.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A project is defined set of rules or functions that meet the Assignment

A project is defined set of rules or functions that meet the pre-defined set of objectives - Assignment Example Management refers to control the over all activities or to manage the system with respect to technical skills and philosophy. Management also refers to manage the whole team and get them together and take work from them in timely and friendly manner. Project management means set of rules that are created to manage resources (e.g. people, money) and over all organization. There are different activities that need to manage the project so that one can achieve the goal in time with the feasible money and cost requirement. PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge as defined by the Project Management Institute - PMI):"Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements." PRINCE2 project management methodology: "The planning, monitoring and control of all aspects of the project and the motivation of all those involved in it to achieve the project objectives on time and to the specified cost, quality and performance." There is a project for developing the computerize system for a National Bank. The bank has many branches all over the country and wants that one branch can communicate to other branch through the created computerized system. Basically whenever a project is going to be created it is necessary to cover its all features like used requirements, his desire outcomes, they way he wants to see the project, his thinking about project, his cost about creating the system and quality about the project. Then there should be a breakdown process which means to break the large project into sub modules. These sub modules are individual to each other and perform a specific task. This is called work break down (WBS). It also helpful for doing the task, Moreover it help to check the error and bugs into the program. There can be future enhancements or updates also done very well. If the Bank (National Bank) project is divided into sub modules then there will be: Figure: Work break down (WBS) for national Bank After these entire modules division there are some basic procedures that project team needs to create the algorithm about developing the project. Algorithm means step by step procedure to solve any problem. This means how to project can be develop. After creation of algorithm, there must be a pictorial representation of all

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Society and Culture Aims and Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Society and Culture Aims and Objectives - Essay Example This could be said to be the capacity of the human beings to affect choices between alternatives, and to exercise and to impose those choices on society. It is normally contrasted to common forces, which are causes involving only spontaneous processes. Human agencies envisages the apparent claims that humans do, in fact, make decisions and endorse them on How humans come to make decisions, by free choice or other processes, is another issue.(Agency(Philosophy) 2008). Individualized human behaviour is a complex and intricate process of the human mind and behaviour, although aspects of group behaviours patterns could be predicted with reasonable degree of certainly and accuracy. The mental buildup and behaviourism of criminal thoughts and actions could offer analysis on its workings. It has earlier been explained that structure deals with the grouping, or collective mass of homogenous or, even heterogeneous matters to form a social structure or arrangement. In the criminal settings, a prison, or a penitentiary may serve to act as a social structure, group or setting. Even in terms of psychiatry, which relies heavily on sociology and social behaviourism, crime could be explained in terms of perverse or anti-social connotations. More than a desire to accumulate wealth, or money, criminal minds works to wreck revenge or retribution on the establishment since they may, at some time, have suffered deprivations at its hands. Again, the structure of the criminal mind, or the process of criminalised society is an offshoot of the social structure, which forms the basis of this paper. Centralization of wealth: Thus, it is seen that social structures creates avenues for disillusionment for people in terms of wealthy cliques, class differences and other subgroups. This in turn, may centralize wealth or potential for wealth in the hands of a select few to the exclusion of the toiling masses. The disparities in the social groups give rise to disillusionment, frustration, poverty and resultant criminal behaviour. Nevertheless, one could argue that criminals are present e vent in the wealthy groups, so where does the nexus between social groups and crime, organized or otherwise, arise When we consider that a wealthy criminal is governed not by class considerations but his intentions to negate society, to dominate and control it, to the exclusions of others, including legally elected Governments of countries. In the case of India, in parts of Northern provinces, people pay taxes to the local Mafiosi's and not to government, since they are well aware that the government cannot protect their lives or properties, but the Mafias could. These organized criminal groups or

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global education and citizenship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Global education and citizenship - Essay Example Plato’s belief that talent was distributed non-genetically and thus is present in all children; therefore children should be trained by the state so that they may be qualified to resume the role of the ruling class in a state. Education as defined today is the organized teaching of a particular curriculum to students. â€Å"Education is the application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research to teaching and learning. It draws on other disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology.† [1] The earliest written piece of evidence found on the rights of children is a statement made by Thomas Spence in his famous book ‘The Rights of Infants†, published in 1796. Earlier than this period emphasis was only laid of the importance of education and no specifications were laid. While in the USA child rights movement was not born till 1800 with the concept of the â€Å"Orphan Train†; this special train was run of orphan children who used to work. It was not until 1853 that the first Children’s Aid Society was founded; who gave street children homes. There was very little and slow process on the movements for the rights of the children as this gave the world cheap labor and nor did the masters have to give any additional benefits. Various movements, committees and constitutional amendments were seen before the first effective step for the promotion of child rights was taken. After the Human Rights resolution was unanimously adapted on 8th March 1989, the commission decided that children around the world require special consideration and protection. It was decided that a draft convention on the rights of children would be adapted. This would define who fall under the category of a child; plans for continuous improvement of the situation of children all over the world would be drafted and acted upon. Convention on the Rights of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic Groups and Contribution to Industry Profitability Essay

Strategic Groups and Contribution to Industry Profitability - Essay Example Both institutions may belong to the same industry but do not compete directly with another, so the factors that affect either of them may not be critical in their success; instead, organisations within similar strategic groups ought to be considered (Amel and Froeb, 1991). In essence, a strategic group may be understood as a collection of firms that utilise common strategies and operate within common competitive environments. Membership within this entity determines the threats and opportunities that organisations are susceptible to as well as other components of their competitive environments. Knowledge of such information is critical in understanding why some strategic groups perform better than others and why firms cannot move between groups easily. The concept of mobility barriers captures the above changes; this term is analogous to entry barriers because it prevents companies from changing from less profitable strategic groups to ones that are more profitable. High mobility barriers in a strategic group assist in cementing positions of high performance for certain organisations and shield them from intense rivalry by new ones (Hill and Deeds, 1996). One way of understanding how strategic groups contribute to industry profitability is through an analysis of the motor vehicle market; a highly traditional yet technology-dependent industry. Organisations like Jaguar, Land Rover and Rolls Royce initially had vertically integrated business models. These companies operated within similar strategic groups where they took advantage of economies of scale as well as specialisation in order to maintain the competitive advantage. Even collision between them was common because they were not overly concerned about production costs; however, these dynamics altered upon arrival of Japanese firms (Noel and Eduardo, 2007). The new entrants did not place too much emphasis on vertical integration; instead, they preferred to forge close associations with their contractors. A process that made them stand out was just in time manufacturing, which focused on efficient production through low inventory as well as flexibility.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

International Marketing Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

International Marketing Master - Case Study Example The recent terrorist attacks in the last 3 decades have brought turmoil in the current travel and tourism industry bringing a severe collapse in the travel and tourism sector worldwide. The first of these atrocities took place in 1982 during the Iraq affair and the oil crisis. The international tourism industry greatly suffered during those years of severe political unrest. The next unfortunate event was the outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in north Europe in the year 2001. Umpteen numbers of bookings for the trips to Europe were dismissed. Another heinous act that took place on 11th September 2001 was the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The aftermaths of the terrifying incidence revealed the crumble of the international tour and travel for a long time. The year 2002 revealed intensive respiratory syndrome epidemic due to air travel (Mangili & Gendreau, 2005). Air travel is capable of spreading newly budding contagions which could even give rise to pandemics. The travel and tourism industry worldwide experienced a set back again. The next plan of brutal act of the terrorists who were caught carrying liquid explosives on 10th August 2006 in flight from United Kingdom which could have destroyed tolls of innocent lives was terminated. The travel and tourism industry has yet again undergone a tremendous shock. ... It is true that the international travel and tourism industry is presently facing a turbulent environment. However, it is certain from the ever adventurous tourists from around the globe and their impeccable passion for travel that the worldwide international travel and tourism is doubtlessly to overcome this temporary challenge. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the business leaders' forum for travel and tourism is presently working with governments to spread consciousness of the economic magnitude of the globe's prevalent creator of prosperity and service (Travel & Tourism Security Action Plan, n.d.). Analyzing the current problems of global business conflicts including the Tourist Behavior: The travel and tourism industry is facing major challenges at the very moment due to the problems of global business conflicts. These may be analyzed as follows: Political Political Unrest Political unrest among different nations still has adverse affects on the international travel and tourism especially on the countries involved. War at the moment would be the last thing that the travel and tourism industry would wish for. Tourists never wish to select a destination which is suffering from any sort of political disturbances. One would have never chosen a destination like when the American soldiers faced the Taliban groups. Lack of Government Contribution Deficiency in the support of the respective governments of every country in aiding to develop and sustain its travel and travel sector offers a great business conflict. Economical Lack of Funds The small and medium enterprises in developing and underdeveloped countries especially in rural areas are incapable of flourishing tourism activities due to

Saturday, September 21, 2019

John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men Coursework Essay Example for Free

John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Coursework Essay Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck set in California near Soledad in the 1930s on two men called George and Lennie who travel together from ranch to ranch trying to make their life like the American Dream what Lennie shares with George. During this time there was a depression in America, which meant unemployment and Racism was high so men had to go to different ranches. Racism and bad employment at this time in the United States was called The Great Depression. After The Great Depression, World War 2 had started and John Steinbeck decided to write the book Of Mice and Men what was influenced also by a poet called Robert Burns who was Scottish and also had released a book in the past. Later Of Mice And Men was published in 1937. The American Dream in the U.S.A is thought to be for any American to go through hard work and courage to achieve the goal of their life leading them to success. Lennie and Georges Dream was to own a farm house with lots of chickens and rabbits. The American Depression what had been the harshest depression ever what was from 1929 leading to 1939. This Depression started in North America what went on to Europe and other areas of the world. Although it was started in the united states because of the fast economic growth, it lead the whole world to a disaster. This was originally started because of over production in agriculture what lead to rising debt with farmers. The ranch where Lennie and George end up working for was near Soledad, which is south east of Salinas, Weed was nearby. Soledad what meant lonely was an ideal setting to the story for people who could translate Soledad into English. All of the ranchers with them are lonely with no family and never have anything to look forward to just their daily routines and also just thinking of The American Dream. After the ranchers do their routines the only kind of entertainment what they do is play cards. The ranchers belong to no one what everyone knows Guys like us, that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world . . . They got no family. This also adds to the fact that the ranchers are missing out from a lot in their lifes as they have no family or friends to share their fun with and they have no life only sadness. Ranchers dont seem happy as they never have any fun entertaining things to look forward to like normal people so they just carry on with their lives in loneliness and misery. George Milton who is a small and intelligent man with sharp feutures. He is Lennies carer as he always has to take care of him and be beside him through everything as he is, his only friend. After Georges aunty died he had to look after Lennie as he was the only one he could talk to, but got fed up as Lennie talked like a child. Even though George leads Lennie out of problems what he gets him self into accidentally he loves him a lot but doesnt like to show it. Lennie Small is large and has a shapeless face. He drags his feet when he walks, and lets his arms hang. He has a childs brain as he doesnt really remember anything and looks up to Lennie as he leads him in the right way and always helps him in bad situations. Lennie in the story gets compared to an animal more than a human as he is a really big man who is mentally retarded Dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. George and Lennie relation differs from the other ranchers as they travel together where ever they go and are not lonely as the other ranchers as they have got each other. Crooks is an old black man, he is called this because he has a crooked back he is the stable worker, with a personality just like Candys. Crooks doesnt like company like candy and also wants to live for George and Lennies dream. He has a small place where he lives by himself because of his color as he can not stay in the bunk-house. Lennie gets along with crooks more than anyone else as their resemblances are the same. Crooks is one individual who spends most of his time reading and is a fairly clever person, he lives in a small space, with no one with him. He is segregated because of his color. Crooks said, long as you wont get out and leave me alone. He is not allowed in the bunk-house to play cards as the other ranchers say he stinks, but he tells Lennie You all stink to me Candy is an old man with one arm who works as a swamper. Candy had an old dog but agreed to kill it as the entire ranch workers were complaining that it smelt we cant sleep with him stinkin around in here. Candy is very attached to his dog which he had since it was a pup, and was the only thing he could really talk to. When he hears about George and Lennies dream of getting their own place, he asks them to take him with them and offers them his savings to help. He offers his money to them as he doesnt have any other family to share his savings with. Candy becomes very happy, as he thinks he will not be lonely again, but these dreams are broken in the end. Curley the bosses son who was a welt weight boxer. He is short and wanted to prove that he wasnt a laboring man. He acts as he is superior to anyone else in the ranch. He goes around like he is the boss but no one dares to go up to him as he is a strong boxer. Curley is quite a violent man and in the story he ends up getting in to a fight because he thought that Lennie was laughing at him No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me. Curleys wife who is always left lonely and no-one respects her, Curley never pays attention to her She is forced to flirt with other ranchers to get attention however, she does not get it as everyone knows Curley will be furious if he finds out and any one who will try it with Curleys wife will get into very big trouble with the boss. She is one of the loneliest people in the story as everyone neglects her and never pays attention to her so she is forgotten out from everyone else. Even though she dresses up like a tart she doesnt achieve anything wit the other ranchers. Even when she tells Curley I never get to talk to nobody, I get awful lonely she still gets neglected. The people who are most lonely in the story are Candy, Crook and Curleys wife. Candy is lonely because, he has no family or friends. His only friend was his dog who he could talk to. Ive had his since he was a pup. This shows that the main people who are lonely are really different from normal people as they never have anything to look out for. George and Lennies relation is very strong unique friendship as none of the other ranchers travel with anyone else or share experiences traveling together or either copeing with life together. They are good friends because they share the same dream of owning a farm. George wanted to be his own boss. Lennie wanted, to pet animals all day long and they both believed that it will come true and even when George has doubts he encourages Lennie. They both know how important they are to each other and Lennie likes it when George tells him that I got you and you got me. They both look out for each other as they depend on one and other, they havent got no one else like friend or family Ranchers are loneliest guys in the world they got no family. In the end George has to kill Lennie to save him from being killed by the other ranchers what would have been twice as bad seeing a close friend die. The American Dream was something what George and Lennie truly believed in. Without the dream no one would have nothing to look forward to but George and Lennie were well in way of thinking about their future. This was their main objective through out the story of owning a big farm together even crooks and candy got involved in with the dream John Steinbeck wanted each characters individual self to have some thing to look forward to in their up and coming life. To the end of the story Lennie goes to the place where George told him to go if he got into any trouble near by the river. Then Lennie began to think and imagined a rabbit who told him that George would get rid of him because, he is sick of him. And when George comes to the place where he had told Lennie to wait Lennie asks that if he would leave him and George replies back no. Then Lennie decides to leave but George says no and reminds him of the Dream they had planned of them two owning a farm with Furry rabbits and lots of land. But then George tells Lennie to look across the river and Shoots him with the gun to the back of his head. Slim guesses what had happened and reassures George that it had to be done in the end for the best. This was very important for George to do as he can live a life where he doesnt have to look out for some-one else rather than him self. But also George will become really lonely without Lennie besides him and also their Dream of being together in a big farm had been destroyed. But now George can settle down and think about how he is going to go on with the rest of his life and what job to do without him keeping to move. The thing that has died with Lennie is everything that George and Lennie had. George had done everything for Lennie and could take no more. He had protected him so much an always encouraged him to the max. George killed Lennie as a good friend to save him from harsh misery. The theme of loneliness in this book is important If the characters in the book werent lonely then they wouldnt have done the things that they did and so there wouldnt have been the same. Curleys wife and Lennie die because of loneliness which causes George to be even more lonely. If Curleys wife hadnt been lonely she wouldnt have started the conversation with Lennie which caused her death.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Elderly Empowerment in Social Work and Policies

Elderly Empowerment in Social Work and Policies Social services are nothing if they are not about empowering the powerless: giving older people the chance to stay in their own home, protecting the vulnerable from abuse and neglect, promoting independence and self reliance, bringing hope to families where almost all hope has gone Introduction This report will assess to what extent social policy with regard to the elderly has been successful in achieving its aim. In doing this the paper will look at policy development from the late 1940s onwards. It will evaluate policy success and will look at the role of social work in particular. It will look at the impact of New Right thinking on social work policy, funding and practice. There will be an examination of the effect of social policy on vulnerable and oppressed groups and of how ageism and classism may contribute to oppression. Methodology This is a documentary report using internet sources for Government websites and official data which is supplemented by other literature. There will be some use of figures and a diagram to illustrate certain points. After looking at policy development the findings will be used to assess the impact of policy and its effects on vulnerable adults. Policy Development The introduction of the Britain’s post-war welfare state was aimed at combating disease, poverty and ignorance. It was designed to support people in times of trouble and to protect those who were unable to protect themselves. From 1948 onwards, what were known as the personal social services, was introduced, it consisted of the health services which were responsible for public health, and welfare departments which were responsible for residential care and the care of the elderly and disabled. It also included children’s departments which were responsible for child care.[1] A large proportion of the budget was allocated for residential care. Since its inception the way in which the welfare state has been administered has undergone two major reforms. The first of these was in the 1960s and 70s where allocation of funding to departments was transferred from central government to the treasury.[2] In the 1960s welfare departments and children’s departments were unified into social services departments.[3]The second phase was in the 1980s and 90s and it led to a restructuring of the public sector and the way in which welfare was administered. This led to: The break up of administration into agencies, e.g. NHS Trusts and agencies responsible for Social Security. The introduction of the principles of management and the market which are found throughout the NHS and personal social services The requirement for public services to be run like markets, a separation of purchasing and provision of services and the introduction of competition.[4] During the setting up of the Welfare State the powers that had been held by local authorities were largely usurped by central government which still has the final say in how they conduct their affairs. Much of the work of the Social Services Departments was concerned with child services but this changed with the introduction of the NHS and Community Care Act of 1990 and there is a continuing move to operate services jointly. This also meant that care was no longer the preserve of the state, rather it should be the responsibility of the whole community. and state intervention should only occur as a final resort (Giddens, 2001).[5] The Community Care Act of 1990 was a development not only of the 1948 Act but also of the 1970 Social Services Act which states that: Every local authority shall establish a social services committee, and †¦there shall stand referred to that committee all matters relating to the discharge by the authority of- (a) their functions under the enactments specified in the first column of Schedule 1 to this Act[6] Under the terms of the 1990 Act everyone who wishes to access social care must first undertake an assessment of need (circular LAC (92) 12 states that any needs assessment needs to take into account the capacity of the person, their current living situation, any help or support from friends and relatives and also what the person themselves may want from care. The National Services Framework for Older People which is being continually updated has to be taken into account when such an assessment has been made.[7] Undergoing an assessment does not necessarily mean that a person will be offered services. Different local authorities have their own sets of eligibility criteria, against which the needs of the person are assessed an assessment is also made of their ability to pay for care (Moore, 2002).[8] The Health and Social Care Act 2001 entitled older people in residential care to free nursing care, in an attempt to integrate health and social care for older people. There has been conce rn that this Act might be the beginning of the end of adult social service departments.[9] Goodman (2005) has argued that access to care for older people may vary. The research suggested that those who were in residential care were more likely to be at a disadvantage in accessing other forms of care whereas older people who remained in their own homes were more likely to be able to access social care. The care needs of those older people in residential care tended to be met by care staff with the help of district nurses in order to provide some care to people in residential homes. Assessment of Findings Under the terms of the 1948 Act the state was the primary instrument of welfare and thus social care. As has been documented various later policies changed the way in which social care was distributed and accessed culminating in the Community Care Act of 1990 which shifted responsibility of care from central government to local authorities. It was claimed that this Act would lead to increased choices for service users. In contrast to this claim, some older, perhaps frail people, become socially disenfranchised and are placed in accommodation that is not up to standard nor suited to their needs. Moore (2002) points out that some commentators have argued that a mixed economy of care and the move away from public provision to one that was based on profit making: †¦would actually lower the standards of care, as profit rather than public service becomes the overriding motive†¦(this) will lead to a narrowing of choice†¦clients being seen as receiving charity†¦(and) the extent and the quality of services will differ from place to place (Moore, 2002:259). In 2000 the Government introduced the Care Standards Act as a response to poor standards in care homes. This has not been seen to be effective however, as stories of the abuse of older people in care have proliferated in recent years(Observer, 18th February, 2001). In the last hundred years people’s life expectancy in the western world has increased dramatically and there are now almost 5 million people over the age of 75 in the UK. Conversely the birth rate is now at an all time low. These changes in British demographics have generated an increased demand on the health service and on caring services generally. Although many older people remain in their own homes and may receive some kind of care to help them, there are presently about 200,000 people in registered residential homes in England. 35,000 of these homes are run by the local authority and 165,000 live in homes run by the independent sector. These figures do not include the 150,000 old people who are in nursing homes (Moore, 2002).[10] Older people are a marginalised group viewed by society as no longer useful, they are, of necessity, greater consumers of health and other services (Moore, 2002)[11]. When they feel they can no longer cope alone, or when relatives can no longer care for them, they go into residential or nursing homes, many of which are privately owned and run for a profit. Even when they are in council run homes older people are expected to at least make a contribution to the cost of their care. What is principally needed is a change in the way older people access services. In order for older people to have their needs met in ways which contribute to their quality of life and give them some choice over what happens to them Dunning (2005) suggests a greater need for advocates. He argues that in certain areas advocates should be a requirement for older people at certain times in their lives such as: retirement, which can bring about a reduction of income  and social networks a decline in physical and mental health, sensory impairment  and the need for health and social services a change in housing and living arrangements ageism. ( Dunning, 2005:10).[12] Dunning’s advice is wise if people want to access adequate care particularly as under the terms of the 1990 Act the care is no longer provided by the state alone. If a service user has been assessed as eligible for care then what is called a care package has to drawn up by the social worker. This package is organized primarily by the local authority and voluntary and charitable organizations also play a part in this. Increasingly this has meant that the autonomy of the social worker in this process is rapidly being eroded they are not always able to do what they see fit with regard to a service user’s need due to the need to collaborate with other agencies. Wanless (2006) found that access to care often depends on financial concerns and keeping people in care costs a lot of money. This has to be a consideration when the number of people entering residential care is increasing rapidly and estimated to increase by 50% over the next twenty years. The diagram below shows the cost of social care for older people in 2003/4.[13] Social worker’s decisions are subject to review by the care manager who is the person who holds the budget, this person’s primary job is to keep costs down. The social worker may do their utmost to obtain the best possible care for the older person they are dealing with but the final decision is often taken with regard to financial concerns. This is probably more of a problem with older people accessing care than with anyone else because they place a greater demand on the health and caring services.[14] When the welfare state was formed the total cost of residential care, or care that enabled a person to remain in their own home was met by the state. Those who went into private care did so as a matter of choice rather than a concern for the Government’s coffers. The New Right policies of Margaret Thatcher’s government was to roll back the welfare state and although the present government call their policies the third way they are very close to those of the New Right. Wanless (2006)[15] maintains that there has been fragmentation in the responsibility for social care at both local and central government levels. After the 1990 Act local authorities were no longer the direct providers of care, rather they were care managers. As a result of this a large part of government funded residential care and 69% of domiciliary services are provided by the independent sector. Social care is managed like other businesses whereby those with the most acceptable tender will get the work . Is this an empowering experience for older people, or do they become more oppressed and discriminated against than might previously have been the case? The Government has tried to address some of these issues by its promotion of participation and service user involvement. This is not always helpful as Dunning (2005) has pointed out. This is because of the power imbalance that exists between service users and professionals. Professionals may also use language that is not always accessible to service users. Arguably, in the current climate, it helps older people to have an advocate who is there to offer support and to help promote their interests. The Government pledged, in 201, that an older people’s champion would be appointed in each local authority. The champions would be there to represent older people’s interests. It was anticipated that as the champions should be doctors, nurses, other health professionals or social work practitioners, this might help to drive up standards of care. Quinn et al (2003) have argued that knowing what is on offer, and that if necessary there is someone who will put forward their views can be empowering for older people: Information, advice and advocacy are services in their  own right. They are also fundamental in enabling older  people to receive the services they require.  (Quinn et al., 2003, p. 3)[16] Conclusion While the promotion of advocacy and service user participation may make accessing care easier for older people, and could involve greater levels of empowerment overall policy development appears to have placed financial concerns before the needs of vulnerable people. New Right policies have, to a large extent, been continued under New Labour. Most of the developments since 1970 have hedged social work practice so that professionals are limited in the types and amount of care that they can offer service users. They have introduced market principles into a profession that was built on a concern for justice irrespective of a person’s ability to pay. As a result I would say that policy does not fulfil its aims to bring hope to the hopeless and protect the vulnerable. Bibliography Dunning, A. 2005 Information, Advice and Advocacy for Older People York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Giddens, A. 2001 Sociology Cambridge, Polity Press Moore, S 2002 Social Welfare Alive Cheltenham, Nelson Thorne Quinn, A., Snowling, A. and Denicolo, P. (2003) Older People’s Perspectives: Devising Information, Advice and Advocacy Services. York: Joseph Wanless 2006 Securing Good Care for Older People: Taking a long term view London, Kings Fund Publications accessed 11/6/06 accessed 11/6/06 ibid accessed June 12th 2006 accessed 12/6/06 1 [1] accessed 11/6/06 [2] accessed 11/6/06 [3] accessed 11/6/06 [4] accessed 11/6/06 ibid [5] Giddens, A. 2001 Sociology Cambridge, Polity Press see pages 338-40 [6] accessed 12/6/06 [7] accessed June 12th 2006 [8] Moore, S 2002 Social Welfare Alive Cheltenham, Nelson Thorne page 185-6 [9] Ibid page 185 [10] Ibid page 324 [11] Ibid page 327 [12] Dunning, A. 2005 Information, Advice and Advocacy for Older People York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation  Page 10 [13] Wanless 2006 Securing Good Care for Older People: Taking a long term view London, Kings Fund Publications page.24 [14] Moore 2002 ibid page 326 [15] Wanless, D 2006 ibid page 9 [16]Quinn, A., Snowling, A. and Denicolo, P. (2003) Older People’s Perspectives: Devising Information, Advice and Advocacy Services. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation page 3

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Soviet Industrialization :: essays research papers fc

When one looks at the history of the USSR, one of the most important aspects to look at is the massive industrialization that took place under the Soviet regime. This industrialization, like so many other things, is a complicated issue, with many arguments circling around it. The process was marked both by tremendous progress and expansion, as well as gross inefficiency and waste.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To better understand the Soviet industrialization, it is necessary for us to briefly look at the history that preceded it. When the Bolsheviks came to power, they inherited a country with economic conditions that were far from favorable. It was a country devastated by World War I as well as the civil war that followed it. For all intents and purposes, one can say that the economy of the country was in ruins, and drastic steps were necessary in order to feed the hungry population, and for the country to survive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To answer this problem, a New Economic Policy (NEP) was implemented. In essence, this policy went away from communist ideology to a large degree. It allowed farmers to go out and sell what they have produced, and brought in many elements of the free market. At the same time, the Soviet regime restored the industry which existed but was devastated by war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To a large degree, this policy was successful. By 1920s, the USSR managed to reach industrial production levels of roughly 1913. (Suny 233) Furthermore, the population was no longer starving, and living conditions improved throughout the country. However, NEP also brought in several problems. One of them, in the eyes of the Soviet leadership, was that it naturally brought polarization into society, producing some rich and some poor peasants, whereas ideologically there were supposed to be no classes in the new society (Suny 171)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A more serious problem, however, was the fact that rapid industrial advance was incompatible with NEP. It was necessary to shift country’s resources from agriculture towards the production of heavy industry. Instead of producing consumption goods, it was necessary to produce capital goods. (Suny 234)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The peasants, however, had little incentive to sell their product, since there were few things of use that they could get in return (since the economy concentrated on production of capital goods instead of consumption goods). This, naturally, brought tension between the city which had to be fed, and the peasants who would not give up or sell their product, unless compelled to do so by the state.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

1 Corinthians Essay -- Bible, Apostle Paul

Paul the Apostle is the central figure in many New Testament writings. Many historians have attributed fourteen New Testament letters to Paul’s writing; seven of these letters are uncontested meaning historians are sure that Paul wrote them, the remaining seven are contested. Paul was not always a Christian; in fact, he persecuted Christians before Christ came and temporarily blinded him. Upon seeing Christ, Paul devoted his life to Christianity and set out to spread the teachings of Christ. Scholars often credit Paul’s leadership to the ability of the Church to become Hellenistic in one generation. Paul also answered specific worries and questions that his converters may have had in many of his writings; one of these writings is 1 Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians, Paul set out to deal with the many believers in Corinth who are divided into the followings of Paul or Apollos rather than Christianity as a whole. The converts of Paul in 1 Corinthians 12-14 were divided during times of worship because of jealousy invoked by the spiritual gifts received from the â€Å"Spirit†; the worships and the church became a place to boast who is closest to God, instead of a place of worship, interpretation, and love. In 1 Corinthians 14:26-33, Paul set guidelines in times of worship to heal the divide among his converts present in 1 Corinthians 12-14. 1 Corinthians was one of the seven uncontested writings of Paul; Corinth was the capital of Achaia in the times of Paul’s writing. According to Acts 18:11, Paul spent a year and a half in the city of Corinth. He established the main church in Corinth by converting many Corinthians to Christians. Paul eventually travelled from Corinth to Ephesus, a city on the coast of modern-day Turkey. When Paul arrived a... ...zing or speaking in tongues. Paul’s setup of worship is very orderly and gives directions to who can speak, when, and where. Doing so, Paul reiterates the fact that God is in favor of peace and his place of worship should also be of peace and equality. In 1 Corinthians 12-14, Paul set out to address the issues of exclusivity and the divide among the converts of Corinth that has been caused because of spiritual gifts. Paul set a guideline to his converts in Corinth to create order and conduct during times of worship in 1 Corinthians 14:26-33. Doing so, Paul hoped that the divide that has been caused from those with special or â€Å"exclusive† spiritual gifts do not cause other believers to become jealous or envious. Paul’s guideline to the Corinthians showed the leadership that Paul had that allowed him to guide the Church to become Hellenistic in just one generation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Earning Gap between men and women Essay -- essays research papers

Earnings Gap   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Earnings gap by gender can be explained by several different theories. Varying on the individual views/opinions some theories may make more sense than others. In my opinion the one theory that best explains this gap between genders is the occupational segregation. There are some occupations that are female, and others that are male.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the explanations for this is the discontinuity of the female participation/attachment in labor force. During their labor force participation, women would need to take time off for child bearing. In order to ensure that she still has a job when she comes back, she needs to choose a job with general skill level. As a result, the jobs that require only a general skill level and not a ...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hunger Games Character Paper

The Hunger Games- Character Paper I read the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The book is about the future and how the central government overrules all of districts, Panem. The main character of the book is Katniss Everdeen. She is a teenage girl who lives in â€Å"District 12†. Her district is known for all the coal mining; she had lost her father when she was younger in mine explosion.After this she had to step up and be the adult. She is very brave and she is very smart. Katniss, the story's narrator and heroine, is 16 years old and has straight black hair, gray eyes, and olive skin. Her father died in a mine explosion when she is 11. Since then, to keep her family from starving in the Seam, she has had to provide for her mother and sister, using the hunting and gathering knowledge that her father taught her.Her best friend and hunting partner is Gale, and, while they spend a great deal of time together, Katniss is sure that she doesn't see him in a romantic light, something that comes into deep question when she is District 12's Hunger Games tribute and must work hard to maintain a star-crossed-lovers facade with Peeta Mellark. Throughout the novel, she remains a hunter and a survivor, â€Å"the girl on fire,† but she is also a girl who is very confused about her emotions concerning Peeta and Gale.Katniss must also remember to hide her true emotions about the Capitol: She loathes the Capitol and its tyrannical rule, but to rebel openly is to ask for punishment, oftentimes death. She is brave and daring and returns home from the Games a beloved star to her district but a menace to the Capitol dictators in charge of Panem. Katniss is very relatable to young girls because of her confusion with boys. This makes Katniss a great main character for the book because who doesn’t love a science fiction book with a relatable main character?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Zara Project

Product classification of Zara †¢ Most clothing are classified as an â€Å"durable good† as they are used up slowly, †¢ Clothing doesn’t need to be disposed of after being worn once, but rather could be cleaned and reword until a tear within the seams or a stain kills it, or ultimately it goes out of style [pic] Product Lifecycle Due to the clothing industry is mainly backed behind by what is â€Å"cool† or â€Å"hip† to date, clothing often needs to refresh its look in order to attract customers to purchase the product †¢ Many clothing brands including Zara would refresh its new look to attract customers by refreshing its line of clothing such as push out new garments that have a certain style that was popular at the time and this process of refreshing a line of clothing is never stopping Branding †¢ Zara uses an â€Å"one brand name everywhere† concept †¢ No matter within which country it possess the name in Zara †¢ T he brand â€Å"Zara† is recognized in over 1700 stores in 89 countriesPackaging †¢ Within most clothing store like Zara, packaging is basically non-existent †¢ The lack of packaging is due to the company wanting the customers to be able to feel the material used for the product and able to try it on †¢ If both the material and style is favourable to the customer, there is a higher chance of a transaction being made http://marketingmixx. com/marketing-plan-2/200-marketing-plan-of-zara. html http://www. slideshare. net/gunbal/zara-7936993 http://www. forbes. com/sites/lydiadishman/2012/03/23/the-strategic-retail-genius-behind-zara/ http://blogs. ubc. ca/conradchan/2011/09/16/zaras-marketing-strategy/

HR Governance

HR governance is the practice of making effective decisions regarding the human resources of the organization and the efficient controlling of them. It is interrelated with establishing HR policies, continuous monitoring of their proper implementation and governing the body of an organization. This study explores the HR governance practice of the private sector in Bangladesh and its impact on organization's sustainable human resource development. To investigate this scenario, sample size of 200 from five manufacturing industries and three service industries both sectors were selected to conduct a survey through floating a structured questionnaire on target employees. Here, six independent variables talent management, consolidated HR policy, HR risk management, employee development, compensation benefits, employee welfare and one dependent variable sustainable human resource development have been identified to conduct the regression analysis. The result shows that the f-test value = 34.400 which implies that the model is statistically significant and valid. The significance level of the employee development and compensation benefits at (0.000) which have positive impact on sustainable human resource development. On the contrary, the talent management is insignificant at (0.006) and consecutively consolidated HR policy (0.019), HR risk management (0.063) and employee welfare (0.106). The regression model illustrates that the private sector of Bangladesh is going to be comparatively more concern about the employee development and compensation management but others variables have insignificant but positive relationship for the increasing of sustainable human resource development. Moreover, this study attempts to provide the conceptual and pragmatic insight of the HR governance practices in the private sector of Bangladesh; this might help to emerge new corridors for future research. Keywords – HR governance, talent management, consolidated HR policy, HR risk management and sustainable human resource development.INTRODUCTIONWith the passage of time, HR governance has become an emerging concern where it is esteemed as the backbone of the sustainable human resource development which transforms the human resource into the human capital and all these ensure the incremental growth of an organization. Furthermore, the traditional HR policies and regulations act as the precautionary guard for the organization, but now it is reactive in nature through reducing, transferring and deducting actual and probable HR risks and liabilities. However, it is essential for an organization to become transparent administrative structure to achieve core competitive advantages of human resource enforcing the non-compliance proactive measures. Effective HR governance facilitates compliance with legal and ethical obligations relating to people management practices and having a proper HR governance structure in place which can even impact the way an organization does business and makes decisions at the highest levels-right up including its board of directors. Hence, this structure will ensure that decisions related to personnel management practices are governed at the highest level thereby strengthening HR and management credibility (Kreissl, 2012)[1]. For instance, like other developing countries, Bangladesh has been marked by the inefficiency of the public sector to meet the demand of its citizens, ineffective public services, and unfavorable environment for the proper growth in the private sector, leadership crisis, lack of transparency and accountability in administration, ineffective political institutions and so on. In this regard, it is the best to follow equity at workplace, well-being and employee development and some other five preconditions for sustainable human resource development such as; compliance, governance, ethics, culture and leadership (Cohen, 2012) [2]. Another thing is that the well concern about labor law and consistent HR governance are yet not flourished at macro pace especially in private sector. Because most of the listed companies in Bangladesh are dominated by family members, occupying important posts like CEO or the managing director, leading to inefficient HR governance practices (Brennam, Solomon, Uddin and Choudhury, 2008) [3]. Due to the absence of govt. close monitoring; sometimes they are violating the principles of Bangladesh Labor Law.Moreover, public sector is running under the shelter of legal government compliance and several pivotal research works have been done over this but now private sector is emerging not only in the corporate governance rather good HR governance. In spite of, there is very few research works exist on this context where mostly done on about the good governance practices and its prospects in Bangladesh. Almost there is no instance of such work that can show the emerging essentials of good HR governance and its impact on the sustainable human resource development.Nevertheless, there are some laying challenges so that the private sector can't go ahead as expected in terms of human competencies. For such poor feedback in HR governance, it is essential to examine how far Bangladesh lags behind the HR governance practices. Against all these backdrops, this paper attempts to critically analyze the current scenario of HR governance and also to sketch out the impediments in the way of HR governance to improve the HR competencies in the private sector of Bangladesh. To end, this study shows a set of measures which need to be undertaken as an effort to establish good HR governance and indemnifying sustainable human resource development in Bangladesh.OJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe fundamental objective of this study is to address the research question; â€Å"Does HR governance affect the sustainable human resource development from the perspective of private sector in Bangladesh?† Some other objectives are:To investigate the response of HR governance in the private sector of Bangladesh.To measure the impact of HR governance on sustainable human resource development.To identify diff erent factors affecting sustainable human resource development.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Philosophy: Dialogue with Socrates Essay

â€Å"Socrates, good day!† exclaimed Person. Socrates is still mesmerized in this realm unbeknownst to him. Dazed and confused, he sees a figure, a person looking right at him. He replied, â€Å"Good day to you to. May I ask you questions about this world? I suppose you are a citizen of this state.† â€Å"I would gladly entertain your queries, but I have questions too, questions that only you can answer,† retorted Person. â€Å"I will bring the truth upon your inquiries, if you allow me the pleasure of asking you one question. I need help in bringing out the truth so that the decision I make would be based on reason.† â€Å"The pleasure is mine,† said Socrates, â€Å"I will help you bring the light of truth into your question, what is it that you ask?† Person then hesitated, but replied eventually, â€Å"Should I submit my school requirement? The teacher asked to write something philosophical, something uhm†¦ something about a dialogue.† â€Å"Then it is an obligation, I suppose, and every obligation must be fulfilled. This is a moral act, pious according to the laws of my state, Athens. One must never disrespect the state, it is immoral.† â€Å"I do not want to submit my paper, it gets in the way of my hobbies and friends, yet at the same time, I do not want to fail my obligations to my school, â€Å" Person said. â€Å"This obligation, to whom is it addressed,† Socrates asked. â€Å"The obligation is for my teacher,† replied Person. â€Å"Why would you not obey your obligation? Did you enter this obligation as an agreement,† inquired Socrates. â€Å"Why, I, ah I entered the obligation as an agreement when I enrolled. I entered it willingly but the teacher gets in the way of my hobbies and friends,† said Person. Socrates asked: â€Å"If the teacher is a hurdle to you, would you then disregard this authority? What is the basis of your rebellion against authority?† And Person replied: â€Å"I would disregard the authorities, but there are consequences, like a failing grade. If I fail, I would either repeat this course, or I would have a hard time applying for a job after I graduate if most of my grades show my disregard for requirements and obligations.† â€Å"Then, following this authority is a virtue?† â€Å"Yes!† exclaimed Person. â€Å"And entering an agreement or obligation willingly is acceptable?† â€Å"Yes,† said Person proudly. â€Å"If the authority gets in the way of your time with friends, does this mean that the authority is immoral?† â€Å"No.† whispered Person. At this point, Socrates is fuming mad. I know that he is a just man. Plato said so, when I conversed with him moments ago. And now I know that Socrates is not only just but also virtuous. He is attached to truth itself. Furiously, he said: â€Å"Then, I would say that you are not virtuous because you dare defy authority that is virtuous! You are also immoral, for defying your obligations that you entered willingly! Why then did you enter this agreement if you are not agreeing with it?† â€Å"Because studying is required to be smart and successful, I want to be successful†¦ and being smart means that you gain wisdom,† Person shyly said. The face of Socrates brightened a bit: â€Å"You are wise in saying that Person,† exclaimed Socrates, â€Å"because the beginning of wisdom is the recognition of your ignorance. However, knowing that you are ignorant but not following the virtuous path towards truth and wisdom only means that you are foolish. Do as you please, do not fulfill the obligations of your agreement, and you will lose your identity as a Person. What difference do you have then from beasts?† â€Å"I am not a beast. And I am not foolish. I will then, submit to my obligations, I will write my paper. So, Socrates, let us move on, what are your questions about this realm?† Person said eventually.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Phlight of Armenians History Research Paper

The Phlight of Armenians History - Research Paper Example In the midst of this, however, dandyism, epitomized by George â€Å"Beau† Brummell, flourished as a kind of revolt against the aristocracy and the landed classes of the day. According to Rhonda K. Garelick (1998), dandyism during this period influenced modern concepts of celebrity, well into the late twentieth century. She views dandies as â€Å"sexually ambiguous† (3) and as â€Å"double-sex beings† (5), implying that dandyism of the eighteenth century had very little to do with gender roles and sexuality. It has been traditionally understood that dandyism was an idealization of women performed by men, but if Garelick is correct in her estimation of dandies and of dandyism, then that may not be the case. S.R. Cole (2006), however, would disagree with Garelick and takes dandyism in a different direction. He sees dandyism as a class-related phenomenon intertwined with homo-eroticism between men. For Cole, dandyism is â€Å"driven by†¦the desire for aristocra tic status†Ã¢â‚¬â€one that involves an admiring â€Å"male gaze† (138). This perspective does not perceive dandyism as inevitably hostile to women. To the modern person, dandyism appears â€Å"unmasculine† and even â€Å"effeminate,† but its connection to gender and sexual practices is not as strong as its connection to status and the aristocracy. A discussion about dandyism requires discussing the dandies themselves, especially George â€Å"Beau† Brummell, who although he was unattached, was definitely not gay in the modern sense. He was, however, the arbiter of fashion of the time. One of the most famous quotes regarding Brummell was stated by another dandy, Brummell’s friend Lord Byron: â€Å"There are three great men of our age, myself, Napoleon and Brummell, but of we three, the greatest of all is Brummell† (Moers, 24). Not only was Brummell one of the earliest dandies; he was the model for the entire movement. One of the earlies t books written about dandies, The Wits and Beaux of Society, by Grace Wharton and Philip Wharton in 1860, labels dandies as â€Å"beaux,† after Brummell, which the book describes as â€Å"never likely to be quite forgotten† (xvi). For the Whartons, beaux (or dandies) are all men, even though they previously published a book that focused on well-known women of the time. They describe a dandy as â€Å"a cheat†¦who imposes on his public by his clothes or appearance† (80). Indeed, Brummell’s most recent biographer, Ian Kelly (2006), describes Brummell as â€Å"the first celebrity† (1)—the first person to be famous for being famous. Like many celebrities today, Brummell did not have any particular talent other than a penchant for attaching himself to royalty and to the royal court. Nonetheless, he had a profound influence on British society, and established the modern view of celebrity in the West, even what has become the stereotyped †Å"celebrity pattern of a fall from grace† (Kelly, 1). Brummell was certainly the right man for his time, in the years following the French Revolution, when the British aristocracy felt compelled to justify its existence. The dandy, as expressed through Brummell, was a study in contradictions, and to understand those contradictions, Brummell should be considered in any discussion of the dandy. As Moers (1960) points out, Camus defined the dandy as â€Å"an archetype of the human being in revolt against society† (17), one that had little to do with gender roles and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Classic Airlines Marketing Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Classic Airlines Marketing Solution - Essay Example The firm’s marketing plans are currently based on the Classic Rewards Program; however, the performance of this scheme has been significantly declined in 2005, compared to 2004; the relevant decrease has reached a percentage of 20% within just one year. The firm has set the return of its loyal customers, meaning especially the frequent fliers, as one of its priorities related to its marketing plans. Emphasis is also given to the enhancement of membership in the Classics Reward scheme; since last year, the membership in the above scheme has been reduced at least by 20%. Another priority of the firm’s marketing plans is the following one: the above plans should address customer needs and they cannot be aligned only with organizational culture, as until now. At this point, reference should be made to the following fact: the firm’s marketing plans have to be within a specific budget; in fact, for this year, the cost of these plans needs to be reduced by 15% so that t he firm’s targets in terms of its profitability are achieved. The development of effective marketing plans in Classic Airlines has been delayed due to a series of factors, related both to the firm’s internal and external environment. More specifically, internally the firm’s marketing department has to face the following pressures: a) the costs of the organization are still at a high level; the efforts made in the past for limiting these costs have not been particularly successful. As a result, the marketing department has been asked to keep its budget at low levels.... The firm has set the return of its loyal customers, meaning especially the frequent fliers, as one of its priorities related to its marketing plans. Emphasis is also given to the enhancement of membership in the Classics Reward scheme; since last year, the membership in the above scheme has been reduced at least by 20%. Another priority of the firm’s marketing plans is the following one: the above plans should address customer needs and they cannot be aligned only with organizational culture, as until now. At this point, reference should be made to the following fact: the firm’s marketing plans have to be within a specific budget; in fact, for this year, the cost of these plans needs to be reduced by 15% so that the firm’s targets in terms of its profitability are achieved. 2.2 Obstacles of the marketing department – internal and external pressures The development of effective marketing plans in Classic Airlines has been delayed due to a series of factors, related both to the firm’s internal and external environment. More specifically, internally the firm’s marketing department has to face the following pressures: a) the costs of the organization are still at high level; the efforts made in the past for limiting these costs have not been particularly successful. As a result, the marketing department has been asked to keep its budget at low levels, as possible, so that no turbulences are caused in the firm’s daily operations; in fact, the firm’s chief of marketing has been notified that a reduction of at least 15% should be made in regard all the firm’s marketing plans from now on; b) the views of the firm’s Chief Marketing officer in regard to the strategic priorities of the firm in terms of marketing seem to be opposed with the relevant

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Goldsteins and Marquezs ethnographies of Brazil Essay

Goldsteins and Marquezs ethnographies of Brazil - Essay Example Both authors describe the South American experience of some communities. They depict the real situation of some marginalized groups. The two authors take a bold step in describing the social problems surrounding poverty, racism and unemployment, topics that many anthropologists avoid. Both writers have studied with interest the social set-up of Brazil, a region inhabited by a large number of minority groups. The region faces marginalization in many aspects of life. The effects of the racial factor in the marginalized area are evident. The authors boldly highlight the true experience of minority groups in America. The topics handled cause a freak to many anthropologists. However, these two writers have taken time to give an account of the circumstances of societies that have always demanded inclusion. However, the accounts reveal that the societies still experience exclusion. In addition, the anthropologists describe how different classes interact in the Latin society and the general effects on society.Goldstein’s book is a reflection of study findings in the 1990’s in Brazilian shanty towns. The author describes the experiences of women living in several of the shanty towns. He describes in a novel-like structure the experience of domestic workers in Rio de Janeiro. The author tells of his findings through the description of Gloria’s life, family and events surrounding her survival in the shanty towns. Goldstein exposes the readers to the humor that is so out of place (Goldstein 6).... Goldstein’s book is a reflection of study findings in the 1990’s in Brazilian shanty towns. The author describes the experiences of women living in several of the shanty towns. He describes in a novel-like structure the experience of domestic workers in Rio de Janeiro. The author tells of his findings through the description of Gloria’s life, family and events surrounding her survival in the shanty towns. Goldstein exposes the readers to the humor that is so out of place (Goldstein 6). The people experience tragedies that they do not seem to find solutions for and they result to creating humor out of the painful experiences. The experiences move the reader because there is a reverse of reactions from the people. They laugh when it is time to cry. Such circumstances form the background on which Goldstein writes the ethnography. The laughter out of place is a novel that gives rise to sadness and empathy. The challenges faced by the residents of shanty towns in a fa lling economy are unbearable and unimaginable by the reader. In addition, society is full of social problems that lack solutions and nobody seeks to address them. Marquez is an anthropologist who crosses borders to befriend and get highlights of street life in Venezuela. The author explores the factors that contribute to social degradation that sends young people and children to the streets exposing them to crime and other social ills (Marquez 22). In addition, the book highlights the real life challenges of the minority group in America that has the highest number of street children. The author brings out the vivid reality through narrations of experiences of selected street children in the first half of the book. In the second half,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Assess the argument that a new era of automation is leading to higher Term Paper

Assess the argument that a new era of automation is leading to higher inequality and threatening the social order - Term Paper Example Nevertheless, the fact that technology has also resulted in the loss of jobs and layoff of some employees in the course of creating efficiency within organizations is also a fact that cannot be denied. The major difficulty therefore arises in the attempt to balance the positive impacts and the negative impacts of technology on economic progress, employment and the consequent social change. Thus, while the proponents of the argument that technological automation is likely to create higher unemployment going forward are pitching their argument on the negative effects that technology has created historically, the opponents of this argument counter it with pointing at the positive effects of employment creation arising from technological automation. Overall, there is no single industry in the global economy that has not felt the impacts of technological changes that have created automation and replaced manual processes. The difference emanates from the fact that; while technological automation has favorably affected certain industries, it has affected the other industries unfavorably (EMSI, n.p.). Thus, whether technological automation increases or decreases unemployment, is all dependent on which industry is affected. For example, a study undertaken by the Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) to assess the impact of automation on job losses in different industries indicated that the tourism industry in the USA has lost 24% of its jobs by laying-off 38,000 workers between 2002 and 2014 (EMSI, n.p.). However, the internet marketing industry created 99,000 new jobs between the same 12 year period running between 2002 and 2014 (EMSI, n.p.). The increase or decrease in employment has a major impact on the social equal ity or inequality within the society, respectively. Nevertheless, it can be easily concluded that a new era

Monday, September 9, 2019

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (ARAMCO) Research Paper

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (ARAMCO) - Research Paper Example Oil currently represents approximately 86% of exports down from 88% in 2003 (Ministry of Economy and Planning 2010). It has led to an improvement in the standard of living of the Saudis and has contributed to every aspect of the Saudi Economy. It has impacted positively on education and training and on the development of the country’s infrastructure. Improvement in the standard of living and the Saudi economy Oil wealth has led to a transformation of Saudi Arabia, a country that was once dependent on agriculture. The standard of living as represented by gross domestic product (GDP) has improved and continues to do so. Saudi Arabia is now recognized as an upper middle income country with per capita GDP at US$15,711 in 2005 (nation master n.d.). The country’s human development index (HDI) which is a better indicator of the standard of living stood at 0.772 in 2006 and placed it at 75th out of 178 countries in 2005 (Nation Master n.d.). The company is now a welfare state w hich indicates that it provides unemployment and other benefits including retirement to its citizens. These improvements have been driven by oil, both directly and indirectly. The industry triggered the demand for various services and products to both drive the industry and as spinoffs. Jaffe and Elass (2007) states that the petroleum sector represents 40% of the Saudi Arabia’s GDP and is therefore the cornerstone of the economy. This sector is driven by Saudi Aramco which is described by Jaffe and Elass (2007) as the most influential oil company in the world. Saudi Aramco manages 98% of the oil reserves in Saudi Arabian which represents 25% of the world’s reserves (Jaffe and Elass 2007). Between 2003 and 2010 both nominal and real GDP has grown. Real GDP calculated at 1990 prices increased from SR686.8 billion in 2003 to SR869.0 billion in 2010. The only year that experienced a decline was 2008 when it fell by less than SR1 billion. Nominal GDP grew from SR804.6 billi on in 2003 to SR1, 630 billion in 2010. Since taking over from agriculture, oil continues to be the main contributor to GDP representing a significant portion of exports. Vitalis (2007) states that in addition to building up the oil industry Saudi Aramco has also provided the expertise and support required to move the Saudi Kingdom out of its backward state by developing and modernizing its agriculture, transportation, education, and health and welfare provision. Impact on education and training Saudi ARAMCO has contributed significantly to the development of education in Saudi Arabia. According to Al Dawood (2010; qtd. in Smith 2010) a major portion of Saudi Aramco’s investment in human resources is reflected in the number of the company’s employees, (including students who are expected to work with Saudi Aramco after graduation) to study at various universities and institutions across the globe. Simpson (2000) also indicates that Saudi Aramco’s pre-university College Preparatory Program (CPP) has made annual contributions to Saudi students studying in Europe and the United States. Although fluctuating from year to year this trend has been on the increase. Despite the fact that growth in oil production has declined (Ministry of Economy & Planning 2010) the company continues to play a positive role. According to VooDooDog (2009) Saudi ARAMCO has c

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Comparison of Philosophers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Comparison of Philosophers - Essay Example At the closing stages of the series, he said, the objects present no longer relative, but absolute. Aristotle believed philosophy to have an "ennobling effect on the philosopher, such that he or she is brought as close as possible to divine state." As you know, the common belief now days are that philosophy will provide contentment, or some kind of consolation because of a particular broadening of the mind. For a start too many philosophers' personalities are so different, yet they have fundamentally the same knowledge, which clearly means philosophical knowledge does not make for a particular reaction. A lot of those who do have the stereotypical personality trait associated with being a philosopher have had it ever before they started philosophy, which is equally well known. You often hear people saying it is particular Note in Book 1 chapter 1 how Aristotle carefully distinguishes between the man of experience and the man of wisdom. Wisdom for Aristotle, aims at knowledge for its own sake, not for the sake of producing anything (e.g. health, material goods, etc.). And since Metaphysics is the science, which seeks after knowledge for its own sake, metaphysics is often referred to as the "first philosophy." "Clearly then, Wisdom is k... . of existence And for no other reason than knowledge, wisdom, and therefore Metaphysics, is the sort of knowledge that deals with causes and principles of things. Knowledge becomes the one of the primary basic human goods that they pursue. What do you think of 'choice' as being that which first comes to play in a life We make choices and 'prioritize' which goods we wish to pursue. Aristotle states that the philosopher's subject (which is existing things qua existing) must have a principle which is not a theory or hypothesis. And it is the philosopher's job to know what it is. The principle is commonly known today as: The Principle of Non-Contradiction. Indeed, Aristotle calls this principle the most certain of all principles (i.e. of any knowledge whatsoever). Namely, "the same attribute cannot at the same time belong and not belong to the same subject and the same respect.' And this principle Aristotle believes is the point of departure for all further knowledge. This principle, of course, has been debated over since then. Aristotle's Book IV demonstrating this "most certain of all the principles." Expressed in Aristotle's language, the law reads: "It is impossible for the same attribute at once to belong and not to belong to the same thing in the same relation." This means two things. 1) It is impossible for something to be and not to be at the same time, and in respect to the same thing. For example, a man is either alive or dead. He cannot be halfway between life and death, and he cannot be both dead and alive at the same time. 2) It is impossible for a substance to be a particular something and to be its opposite at the same time and

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Psych 1010 out of class activity 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Psych 1010 out of class activity 5 - Essay Example Sleep Diary: Night 2. Tuesday. 1. Total time spent sleeping 7.25 hours 2. Number of times you woke up during the night None 3. Number of separate dreams you can recall at least partially.   None 4. Number of dreams related to experiences of the recent days.*   None 5. Overall Sleep Rating ( 1 – 7 ) 3 – I feel rested. Sleep Diary: Night 3. Wednesday. 1. Total time spent sleeping 5.25 hours 2. Number of times you woke up during the night Three 3. Number of separate dreams you can recall at least partially.   Two 4. Number of dreams related to experiences of the recent days.*   None 5. Overall Sleep Rating ( 1 – 7 ) 6 = I feel groggy. Sleep Diary: Night 4. Thursday. 1. Total time spent sleeping 3.75 hours 2. Number of times you woke up during the night Twice 3. Number of separate dreams you can recall at least partially.   Two 4. Number of dreams related to experiences of the recent days. One 5. Overall Sleep Rating ( 1 – 7 ) 7 = I feel very tired a nd want to go back to bed Sleep Diary: Night 5. Friday. 1. Total time spent sleeping 6.75 hours 2. Number of times you woke up during the night Once 3. Number of separate dreams you can recall at least partially.   None 4. Number of dreams related to experiences of the recent days.*   None 5. ... Sleep Diary: Night 7. Sunday 1. Total time spent sleeping 8.25 hours 2. Number of times you woke up during the night Once 3. Number of separate dreams you can recall at least partially.   One 4. Number of dreams related to experiences of the recent days.*   None 5. Overall Sleep Rating ( 1 – 7 ) 3 = I feel rested   MEAN/AVERAGE SCORE 1. Total time spent sleeping 6.54 hours 2. Number of times you woke up during the night 1.14 times 3. Number of separate dreams you can recall at least partially.   1.29 dreams 4. Number of dreams related to experiences of the recent days. 0.29 dreams 5. Overall Sleep Rating ( 1 – 7 ) 4.57 4 = I feel neither refreshed nor tired   5 = I feel somewhat sleepy   HANDOUT 8.2 In general, what do you dream about? How do you feel about your dreams, in general? Usually the dreams I have are pretty abstract but I have noticed that most of my dreams comprise of natural elements such as water or wind and sometimes animals such as cats and s nakes. Describe some of the dreams you had over this period. Were they recurring dreams or did they happen only once? Why did this dream stand out from others? I don’t recall having any recurring dreams during this period however I did dream of a very long snake with red eyes that appeared to be hissing at something hidden in the shadows. Also I do recall dreaming of a huge mansion on top of a hill which was lavishly decorated. I remember being trapped inside the mansion as water starts flooding in from all sides; anxious to find a way out I run out to the back exit only to find I was on the edge of a cliff. I remember jumping from the edge; such had been my fear of drowning in the growing amount of water. This was when I woke up (Thursday, Night 4). This dream